カテゴリー: 未分類

Company Info


Niseko Great View Property

We are a real estate management company founded in Sapporo, Hokkaido in 1966.

Based on the concept of “creating a great view in everyday life”, we mainly handle real estate with a superb view with high scarcity value. We have strong connections with local companies based on our many years of trust and achievements in Hokkaido. Therefore, it is possible to consistently perform development planning, construction, and management in one stop.

In addition, through partnerships with leading architects and landscape companies, Sophisticated, high-quality buildings can be constructed at low cost. Being a Japanese company, we are trusted by Niseko’s landlords and  investors, and we have unique information that is not on the market.

In recent years, there have been cases where projects were delayed significantly due to objections from local residents, just because they requested unreliable businesses. We will make proposals that will please the local people and obtain the maximum profit through development.

Let the Niseko Great View Property team help you purchase your dream home in Niseko.

Real Estate Agency License: Shiribeshi (1) 452

401-5, Aza-Soga
Niseko-cho, Abuta-gun, Hokkaido 048-1522, Japan

Tel: +81 (0) 50-3553-4976 
Email: info@ngvp.jp










1 不動産の所有、管理、賃貸、売買、仲介

2 環境保全に関する事業
3 不動産投資業及びコンサルティング
4 ホテル、リゾート施設、飲食店のプランニング及びマネジメント
5 観光に関する事業

宅地建物取引業免許 北海道知事後志(1)第452
公益社団法人 全日本不動産協会 会員
公益社団法人 不動産保証協会 会員


Tel: 050-3553-4976 
お問合せ: info@ngvp.jp